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This is a startup competition aimed at innovative solutions for the green and digital transition of buildings and urban infrastructures.
All startups selected as finalists will present their project in the Pitch Competition event, held within the framework of the Tomorrow.Building World Congress at Smart City Expo World Congress 2023 on November 8th.
2 free Full Congress Pass for Smart City Expo for 2023 and 2024 with access to the whole event
An article about your project published in Tomorrow.City Magazine
A consulting session with an advisor from AticcoLab network
Booth in the Startup Area of Smart City Expo 2024
Visibility in Aticco, Smart City Expo World Congress and Tomorrow.Building communication channels (web, social media, newsletter and Tomorrow.City platform)
3 months membership at Aticco Workspaces
Media coverage
Last year we celebrated the Pitch Competition to find the most innovative startup at the 2022 edition of the Smart City Expo World Congress.
Eight local and international startups were selected as finalists and presented their projects in the Pitch Competition event during the congress.
The jury selected Giraez as the winner, a cash-to-service platform that allow migrant workers to take care of their loved ones in their home country with the support of the community.
Podrás hacer conexiones de calidad con profesionales del ecosistema emprendedor y referentes en liderazgo femenino. Aprovecha para hablar de tú a tú y generar oportunidades.
¡Ve calentando motores para acelerar!
October 9th
October 17th
November 8th
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